Welcome Prof. Bagutdinov Ravil from National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia to be Conference Members!

日期:2018-02-28 点击量:  2155次

Prof. Bagutdinov Ravil

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia

Research Area:

1. Theoretical bases and methods of system analysis, optimization, management, decision making and data processing.

2. Methods and algorithms of intellectual support in making managerial decisions in technical systems.

3. Visualization, transformation and analysis of information based on computer methods of information processing.

4. Technical vision and telecommunications in robotics for the space and military industries.

5. Issues of modernization and optimization of the education system

Research Experience:

1) Investigations of HF data transmission channels in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been carried out. The review of existing communication channels and their characteristics is carried out. It was revealed that high reliability of HF data transmission channels can be achieved by improving the operation of existing communication networks, improving their technical condition, and also their subsequent modernization and smooth transition to the development and implementation of new data transmission channels. Prospects for their use are given. The results of the work were presented at international conferences and seminars in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2) Numerical investigation and simulation of the process of locking the Schottky field-effect transistor with account taken of the edge effects at the drain end of the gates, caused by the appearance of regions with a high concentration of the electric field strength, are carried out. The physical and mathematical formulation of the problem of the distribution of the electric field strength and electron concentration in an isotropic conducting medium is presented. Taking into account the above assumptions, this problem was solved in the two-dimensional case, which allows one to take into account the end-effects arising in the process. The methodology, algorithm and calculation program are developed. Test calculations and numerical studies are performed depending on the determining characteristics of the Schottky field effect transistor: the potential difference at the gate, source and drain. The results of numerical studies and their analysis are presented. It is shown that the change in the conductivity of the channel, depending on the applied voltage on the gate, is nonlinear, and is caused by edge effects. The value of the gate potentials and the effect on the channel capacity of the duration of the applied voltage on the gate are determined. It is also shown that for V-type devices, it is necessary to expect a significant influence of edge effects on the throughput predetermined by the location of the main flow near the junction of the electrode and insulator. The results of the work are presented at international conferences and published in Russian and foreign publications, successfully defended the master's thesis.

3) Investigations were carried out to solve the problem of determining the optical flow, both in a stationary image and in real time in a video stream. The existing methods for determining the optical flow are presented, the image processing algorithm is presented, the experiment is performed, the results of the optical flow are obtained using the built-in EmguCV library based on the Unity3D environment. Unlike traditional methods of calculation, the task of the integrated work of the vision module to determine the optical flow in the Unity3D environment was considered. The advantages of working with this method greatly increases the speed of image processing. In the course of the experiment, it was found out that the accuracy of the outline of the outlines of objects directly depends on the illumination of the object, the better the illumination, the better the quality of the image obtained, and also the resolving power of the camera is not less important.