Welcome Prof. Irina Kirpichnikova from South Ural State University, Russia to be Conference Members!
日期:2018-03-08 点击量: 2216次
Prof. Irina Kirpichnikova
South Ural State University, Russia
Research Area: Renewable Energy
Research Experience:
Employment History -
1979-1983 - Agricultural institute, Tumen, Russia
1983-2007 - Chelyabinsk state agricultural university, Russia
2007-current time - South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk, Russia
Research Interests - Renewable sources of energy (wind power, sun power)
Key words- Vertical-axis wind turbines, ecology, mathematical and physical models, solar concentrators
Publications - Whole quantity – 119 publications. 39 publications during the last 5 years
Whole quantity – 6 books, 8 patents.
Professional memberships - Membership of the ROSSNIO Committee of Using renewable sources of energy