Welcome Dr.Mohamad Aizi Bin Salamat from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia to committee member!
日期:2019-02-14 点击量: 3170次
Dr.Mohamad Aizi Bin Salamat
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Research Area:
E-government, E-participation, Soft and Rough Set Theory, Fuzzy Preference
Research Experience:
Although Dr.Mohamad Aizi Bin Salamat’s research career has just begun, he has accumulated a strong background in several research fields and have developed a strong research foundation that will help to ensure my future success as a researcher. He has gained undergraduate and graduate research experience in the three main areas: Information System, E-Government, E-participation and soft and rough set theory based research.
In 2010 he has involved in research of e-participation in Malaysia. Outcome of this research is to develop an electronic participation framework to formulate a public policy in Malaysia. He conducted original research investigating the perception of teenagers on public policy formulation using e-participation platform. Also, to investigate their satisfaction with current public policy formulation.
Another research is on reduction of dynamic data redundancy in cloud computing. It is one of the best ways to maintain the storage capacity from being fully utilized. Increase in the number of users will require a larger storage capacity for storing their data. Reduction of dynamic data redundancy allows service providers to be energy savvy and minimize maintenance cost. Recent researches focus more on static data nature despite its limited capability as compared to dynamic data characteristic in cloud storage.
He also have some research grant in area of fuzzy logic, service level agreement (SLA), Fuzzy Preference Tree-based Recommender Approach