Welcome Prof.Lang Li from College of Computer Science, Hengyang Normal University, China to be conference committee!

日期:2016-10-20 点击量:  2039次

Prof.Lang Li, College of Computer Science, Hengyang Normal University, China

Li Lang, male, born in December 1971, the dean of the school of computer Science, Ph.D., Professor, the key academic leaders of computer science and technology of Hengyang Normal University, a senior member of Chinese Computer Federation(E200012218S), a senior member of Chinese Association for Cryptologic Research (CACR-P-1301043), a member of the American Computer Society (8698431), director of the Hunan computer society, the Master tutor of Hunan Normal University.
His research interesting is embedded computing and information security. He has published more than 70 papers as the first author or corresponding author.